Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chuck Lesnick announces candidacy for Mayor of Yonkers

Chuck Lesnick, has been a Democratic leader on City Council during at least the last two terms of Republican Phil Amicone‘s mayorships. 

Today he has announced that he will be running for Mayor.  This doesn’t come as a surprise to nearly anyone.

Chuck is a good guy (I’ve met him a couple of times and am friends with him on facebook)  I think he’d make a good mayor, although I admittedly don’t know anything about his opponents as of yet.

I only met Amicone once, and on the subject of the arts as an economic tool he is/was dead wrong. (I asked a question at a "meet the mayor" meeting, and he said that he felt that if the economics came back, then the arts would prosper.  The studies and the literature show the opposite.  If the arts prospers, the economics come back.  I haven't queried Chuck directly on this issue, but  I’m sure Chuck will do better than Amicone.  I know that Chuck is an arts supporter in general.

Unfortunately, like my former city Providence RI, there’s a fair amount of corruption and expectation of doing things the “old way”  in Yonkers — ie, by knowing somebody who knows how it all works and getting them to exert their knowledge of the system on your behalf.  Reform is not easy under these conditions, but its also necessary if Yonkers is going to prosper.

Hopefully Chuck will make it happen.

Find out more about his candidacy at

See a video of his announcement:

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